

两个自小热爱中国茶的年轻人,在繁忙的工作和高速的生活运转之中无暇品茶,这是他们显大的遗憾。传统文明似乎渐行渐远, 新时代的每个人都像陀螺连轴转,忘了祖辈那些三五好友共一壶茶的美好时光。

我们原本以为茶文化的消逝就如同过去的历史,是不可逆转的,然而子实并非如此“。在环游了一圈世界后,他们看到了咖啡和 可可的继承、流传与扩张速度,同为世界三大饮品之一,中国茶的魅力绝不亚于咖啡,那么如何将中国茶文化发扬光大,迎合 现代年轻人的口味,“这是一个挑战,也是一个契机”。

在这个契机之下弥茶顺势而生,这个新时代的茶文化品牌怀揣对中国茶的敬意,创意性的将西方的 先进萃取技术,结合当代年轻人侣好的健康食材,里新定义现代茶的口感。茶的清苦、芝士的浓香 结合一分咸鲜,一切都那么恰到好处,轻啜一口,融于骨血里对茶的记忆被唤醒,中国茶真正的魅力得以浮现。这一杯茶传承了中国茶的精神内核,却不是我们父母手中的那一杯。

“更多元、更好屯、更自由、更轻松”,相比父母手中那杆传统中国茶,弥茶赋予茶更多的现代意义, 片刻悠闲,片刻停留,获得短暂的满足和惬意,之后以更饱满的姿态继续前行,这才是现代年轻尊崇的弥茶生活。

Founded in 2016 in Hangzhou, China, Mi Tea opened its doors into a highly saturated bubble tea market.  Since then Mi Tea has expanded to North America and 1000+ locations worldwide. And now, Mi Tea is one of the first fine tea drink shops in great Seattle area of its kind, giving customers the familiar taste of deeply adored boba drinks-but with an added twist.

We specialize in creating high-quality Himalayan pink salted cheese tea drinks, pairing a refreshing tea base with a rich, creamy cheese foam topping. Our cheese cover became a hit with many customers as it offered a new take on tea drinks.

Mi Tea’s continuous development around the world hasn’t affected its initial mission to provide every customer quality tea products. Our core values of quality, innovation and service have made Mi Tea the successful fine tea drink brand it is today. By integrating eastern and western tea cultures through the unique flavors of our tea, we hope to provide exciting, innovative drink options for our customers.

Open hours today: 11:00 上午 - 12:00 上午
  • Monday

    11:00 上午 - 11:00 下午

  • Tuesday

    11:00 上午 - 11:00 下午

  • Wednesday

    11:00 上午 - 11:00 下午

  • Thursday

    11:00 上午 - 11:00 下午

  • Friday

    11:00 上午 - 12:00 下午

  • Saturday

    11:00 上午 - 12:00 上午

  • Sunday

    11:00 上午 - 11:00 下午

  • 07/27/2024 6:07 上午 local time


弥茶Mi Tea

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